A child’s first visit to the dentist can sometimes be very daunting or overwhelming, however, going to the dentist can be a fun experience!
When you and your child enter our dental rooms, your child will be seated on our big dental chair as the first step. If your child is comfortable enough, the clinician will take your child for “a ride on the chair” by showing them the buttons that move the chair up and down. It is important for your child to lie down so the dentist can assess their teeth properly. While lying down, your child will notice a bright light above them, and to prevent the light from shining in their eyes, they will be asked to wear a cool pair of sunglasses. All our dental rooms have a TV on the roof so that your child can watch TV while at their appointment.
While the dentist is looking in their mouth, they may ask your child to say ‘AHH’ and open their mouth wide. Once the mouth is opened wide the clinician will be able to count their teeth, and sometimes might even ask your child (depending on their age) to guess how many teeth they have., the dentist will check to see if the teeth are growing the correct way. The dentist will often use a mouth mirror and sometimes a special tool to check if there are any sugar bugs causing cavities, or to check if there is any plaque or tartar hiding in the mouth.
Sometimes the dentist will also use a polishing tool which makes the teeth “nice and shiny” – although it can be a little bit noisy (similar to an electric toothbrush). Once the teeth are sparkling, your child can have a rinse with water to rinse out their mouth. Now that the teeth and mouth have been rinsed, fluoride can be applied to the teeth. This helps the teeth become strong, however once the fluoride is placed on the teeth, your child won’t be able to eat/drink for 30 minutes while it works its magic!
Finally, the dentist may discuss brushing frequency with your child or yourself, or perhaps teach them a better technique to use when brushing their teeth. Remember to keep our teeth nice healthy and strong by visiting the dentist every six months for a general checkup and clean appointment.
Keep Reading: How To Manage Your Child’s Toothache: Straight From The Dentist Tips